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The Hort Method™ for Chiropractic Doctors and Chiropractic Students

Hear D.C. Dominique Hort explain the Hort Method™ approach and the contents of his first 4 modules

Hear D.C. Dominique Hort give you a glimpse into the Hort Method™ Modules 

Taking care of patients has become a fascinating experience. As chiropractors, if we take a in-depth anamnesis, we are confronted with new patients who come with several dysfunctions, diseases, pains and illnesses, all occurring simultaneously. Very often they ask for help and share only in what they believe the doctor can help, yet they may see several practitioners to solve their physical, emotional , mental, spiritual and bionomical challenges. 

I call these the Multi Layer Patients.

They need to be addressed as such, because many of their problems are actually inter-related and influence one another. This is of great advantage to the practitioner, who can help these people on many different levels because once the person is helped in a holistic and with a multi layered approach, healing can be enhanced and solutions can be found.

After teaching the basic module in 2020, and having received great feedback from the participants, on their request, I have created a series of modules for chiropractors and chiropractic students to teach the Hort Method™ in order to help assist you to detect and help these multi layer patients by addressing, in an integrated approach, many of the aspects of health and wellness.

The Hort Method™ Module Series:
​What, How and Why

The Hort Method ™ Module Series: What, How and Why

I designed the series of modules with a specific and precise goals for practitioners:

  1. Know the essentials of working to help Multi Layered Patients, what I have developed from 30 years in my very diverse practice of patients ranging from babies to the elderly.
  2. Learn how to recognize and integrate all the aspect of the Hort Method ™ during a visit
  3. Create a treatment plan to implement change needed to stimulate health and healing 

The modules have continuity, yet also stand alone so they can be taken all together or only the module of interest. 

I highly recommend the basic module to being with, as it gives the reasons and the principles on how apply the Hort Method™, including showing 2 new patients interactions, and a re-activation visit. In this basic module, you will see how the Hort Method™ practically works, and defines in depth all the different aspect of the method.

The modules are suggested in the following sequence, and all have the same focus - how to serve and treat the multi layer patient through the Hort Method™ analysis and integration of all aspects of holistic treatment.

The Hort Method™ core modules are as follows:

Hort Method™ Basic Seminar (HMBA)

Hort Method™ Applied Kinesiology Module (HMAK)

Hort Method™ Nutrition (HMNU)

Hort Method™ Mental Emotional Health (HMME)

***** Additional Modules to Be Added *****