Hort Method™ Module 6
Neurological Reorganisation for Kids
We are All Multi Layer Patients
Recognise – Integrate – Explain – Address – Train – Inspire
The Physical with the Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Bionomic Aspect of a Person’s Health or Dis-ease
The Importance of Neurological Reorganisation
Learn in the comfort of your home or office
In this seminar Dominique Hort, DC, CCN, Naturopath, will share his experience in 30+ years in clinical practice and success with the specific focus on the study of Neurological Reorganisation for Children and how it integrates with the Hort Method™ (HM™).
He will teach you the protocol that has made the biggest impact in his practice and in the lives of thousands of children he has treated in all his years of practice. A protocol that has been fundamental in working with children with learning disabilities and ADHD. He researched his methodology already in 1997 with great results and integrated all the HM™ techniques in a specific sequence of procedures that build on one another, creating great clinical results and changes in children’s lives, academically, mentally, emotional and physically. It is now more than ever crucial that children are evaluated and treated with this protocol of the HM™.
Unmistakably at the end of the Neurological Reorganisation the parents ask for all the other children to be checked and entered into care!
This protocol is used also to treat neurological disorganised adults.
In this seminar you will learn:
- How do you identify a neurological disorganised (ND) child and how to treat the dysfunction that is so often present and completely missed.
- How to apply the neurological reorganisation to adults as well!
- Understand how the ND fits into the chiropractic profession and why it it should be a priority when found before applying any other techniques. ND is often the reason for the re occurrence of problems and why so many treatments don’t bring the expected results.
- How to explain the ND to parents, school teachers and other care givers involved in the children’s program.
- How to apply the protocol in a normal clinical setting or during specific intensive weeks of care.
- How to integrate all the other aspects of the HM™ during the neurological reorganisation.
- Knowing the best timing in applying techniques and treatments in a neurologically disorganised child.
- How to explain specifically to parents what is found during the care and the rationale behind the treatment.
- How to coach the parents with the findings during the sessions and the importance of their participation in the treatment protocol as helper for the exercises, re-education and motivation of their children.
- The function of the brain in children and how it integrates with the ND. Fixation, pursuit, convergence and how they affect a child’s brain.
Studying and optimising the Neurological Reorganisation of the multi layer patient is one of the most powerful ways to enhance the outcome and the effectiveness of the treatment. The ultimate goal is to stay true to the holistic philosophy of chiropractic, while finding out how to enhance your patients’ function, health and quality of life by learning how to integrate all aspects of a person’s life and embracing a psycho-social model of care. All done, by assessing unique biological individuality in your history taking, exam, assessment, education and care.
In the 23+ hours together we will explore the mind-set and skills required to learn the Neurological Reorganisation Protocol in the HM™to increase your ability to become the holistic doctor children need in today’s society. Develop further your excellence in chiropractic mastery!
BONUS MATERIAL: Pre seminar videos on the materials to view ahead of time to better learn and integrate the concepts the Neurological Reorganisation protocol. Here you will learn why it fits in the HM™ and how to integrate it into the first visit, exam and day to day office visits.
Plus: by signing up you have life long access to the material !
Seminar hours, CET, via Zoom in the comfort of your home / office
Friday 6.15pm - 9.30pm
Saturday & Sunday 8.45am - 12.30pm / 2pm - 6.30pm