Hort Method™ Module 4
Functional Neurology, Brain and Inflammation
We are All Multi Layer Patients
Recognise – Integrate – Explain – Address – Train – Inspire
The Physical with the Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Bionomic Aspect of a Person’s Health or Dis-ease
Listen to this audio recording of a discussion of a new case, integrating functional neurology with the aspects of the Hort Method™
- 58 W LBP new visit00:00
Listen to these audio recordings (audio 1 and audio 2 next visit month later) of a clinical case of a 49 year old woman, vegetarian, fighting active Epstein Bar virus, who finds her energy and good moods back with a neurotransmitter technique I taught during this module module (history of alcoholism and few lab tests out of balance) and few other great techniques for liver detox, parasite assessment and more…
- Case 1 audio 1 49 F part 1NET alcool- tired- infla1687431703878.mpeg00:00
- Case 1 audio 2 49 F part 2 1 month later neturotrasm parasites part 2 -2-00:00
Learn in the comfort of your home or office
In this seminar Dominique Hort, DC, CCN, Naturopath, will share his experience of 31+ years in clinical practice with the focus on how the study of Functional Neurology (FN) and the Biochemistry of the Brain with a specific look at Brain Inflammation and Recovery, integrates with the Hort Method™ (HM™).
In today’s society and modern chiropractic patient’s typology, this knowledge and skills are precious and an important part of his success, that allowed him to have a 6 months wait listed practice after 10 months from opening his clinic.
In this seminar you will learn:
- How does the brain work, why is is important? In which way does what we do as chiropractors affect the brain? The role of proprioceptors in the nervous system and the brain. What is the process of pruning in the brain and how can we use it to our advantage?
- What FN basic skills are needed in solving the challenges of our patients and how to recognise and apply them in day to day office’s visits in relation to all other aspects of the HM™.
- How do you functionally evaluate the brain and nervous system? What are the signs and symptoms to be aware of, related to the brain and nervous system? What questions do you want to ask your patients to evaluate their many functions during a history taking, exam and day to day care?
- How is pain processed in the brain and what is important to know clinically? How to treat it and why?
- How FN relates to posture, muscle function, primary reflexes, subluxations, adjustments, pain and rehabilitation after injury in a chiropractic setting.
- Frontal lobe and brain somatic awareness and the healing process.
- Neurotransmitters (NT) and health.
- Effects of diet and environmental health in brain function.
- How chiropractic and FN are so useful and essential to one another.
- How FN and brain biochemistry are among the foundation for optimal health and an effective healing process.
- What is inflammation and how does it affect the brain and nervous system? How does the guts affect the brain inflammation? How does stress affect the brain? What to do about it?
- Can the brain tell us which is the best side of the body to adjust?
- Oxygen, one of the main molecules necessary for optimal brain function and what do about it as chiropractors.
- What conditions in the body could have a brain involvement?
- How are the brain and the function of the nervous system related to all the other aspects of the HM™?
- How and where to further study FN and the brain in their numerous applications, depending on the needs of the practitioner and her/his practice and type of patients.
Functional Neurology is a technique and chiropractic approach born from the genius of F.R. Carrick that can give so much to the Chiropractic profession and is part of the foundation of the HM™ .
In this seminar you will concentrate on the most relevant aspects of FN care, all taught in the principle of addressing the patient holistically. The ultimate outcome is to stay true to the holistic philosophy of chiropractic, while finding out how to enhance your patients’ function, health and quality of life by learning how to integrate all aspects of a person’s life and embracing a psycho-social model of care. All done, by assessing unique biological individuality in your history taking, exam, assessment, education and care.
In the 12+ hours together we will explore the mind-set and skills required to learn or deepen your skills in Functional Neurology and your ability to become the holistic doctor needed in today’s society. Develop further your excellence in chiropractic mastery!
BONUS MATERIAL: Pre seminar videos on the materials to watch before the seminar to better learn and integrate the concepts and clinical pearls of the Functional Neurology as it applies to the Hort Method™. Here you will learn why FN fits in the HM™ and how to integrate it into the 1st visit, exam and day to day office visits.
Plus: by signing up you have life long access to the material !
Seminar hours, CET, via Zoom in the comfort of your home / office
Saturday 8.45am - 12.30 pm / 2pm - 6.30pm
Sunday 8.45am - 12.30pm