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Hort Method™ Basic Module
We are All Multi Layer Patients

Recognise – Integrate – Explain – Address – Train  – Inspire

The Physical with the Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Bionomic Aspect of a Person’s Health or Dis-ease

Learn in the comfort of your home or office 

For the first time ever, Dr. Dominique Hort has shared the Hort Method™ which will excel your chiropractic mastery and help you serve patients in ways never before available. Stay true to the holistic philosophy of chiropractic, while finding out how to enhance your patients’ function, health and quality of life by learning how to integrate all aspects of a person’s life and embracing a psycho-social model of care. All done, by assessing unique biological individuality in your history taking, exam, assessment, education and care.

Find the causes that generate problems and limitations in people’s lives, while understanding the mechanism of how all this is connected in the human body, mind and soul. These are the historical roots of chiropractic actualised in modern chiropractic care! 

Provide your patients with help and clarity in the challenges they face and establish yourself among the doctors who serve and attract clients by creating a history of success. Become the holistic answer to people’s needs and requests. While, your care is chiropractic, your service is to humanity.

Which kind of adjustment is best for the patient and when? Is the adjustment enough? Does it need to be supported by other interventions? 

How do you best support the adjustment nutritionally, emotionally, mentally and energetically?

What created the subluxation in the first place and how do you address it?

How do you explain to the patient how this all fits together?

How do you create the best field of change and healing in your practice?

Read What People Are Saying

In this Hort Method™ program, you will learn how to see the connections in your patient’s body and how all aspects relate to one another. You will help patients understand and value what nobody has ever shown them and open them up to learn what true healing progress means for their lives. 

In the 15+ hours together, we will explore the mind-set and skills required to learn and deepen your ability to become the holistic doctor needed in today’s society - with the many challenges people have to face and overcome - while developing a new mastery of chiropractic excellence.

Seminar content (11 hrs of full packed information and inspiration for your practice and life in high quality videos recordings) of the Hort Method™:

  • Philosophy and expansion on health and disease
  • Basic principles of the Hort Method™
  • Introduction and explanation to all practical aspects of the Hort Method™ and how they interact with one another in a holistic approach to the patient’s health and healing
  • 3 live NP interactions with anamnesis, exam and first treatment with clinical discussion and explanation for the how and why of what was found and done
  • 3 very powerful visualisations on gratitude, honour and power of being a chiropractor in this time and age
  • Q&A’s and inspiration on the future and the holistic clinical approach of our magnificent profession.

BONUS MATERIAL: 3 post seminar 60-90 min. classes deepening the material, new  clinical cases and Q&A on all the section of the Hort Method ™ 

PREPARATION AND SUPPORT MATERIAL: 3 uninterrupted videos of the clinical cases then presented in the seminar, PDF with all the slides and notes, 3 mail of coaching on the material to best use the wisdom and knowledge shared with extra clinical cases and philosophy of the Hort Method™

The Hort Method Core Module Series - All Modules - is available with a package discount. For more Information Click Here