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The Hort Method™ for Multy Layer Patients

Illness, disease, stress and pain are as part of our daily experience, as are wellness, health and quality of life. We all act and react differently to each of these factors, because we are all unique in our making. Investing in our health, working on our personal growth and bettering our physical, emotional and mental abilities, as well as adding to our daily choices, we can attract or manifest the most pleasurable aspects of life, thus limiting suffering and problems to a strict minimum. 

The focus of the Hort Method™ is to aid the individual to become more proactive and able to prevent, anticipate, and solve problems and diseases during their initial stages, rather than waiting for the conditions to manifest or worse, searching for an easy fix and ignore the true causes. The latter forces people to focus on solving symptoms and consequences that would have been preventable had it been given the chance to work on the issue before reaching advanced or critical stages. 

The main goal of the Hort Method™ is to teach an individual how to acquire better self-healing strategies through a healthier spine, nervous system and the analysis and correction of most of the essential components that sustain health and healing: nutrition, posture, energetic and electro-magnetic environment (Bionomics), mental and emotional fitness, as well as other essential domains.


Ultimately, the objective is to have more energy and clarity to find and manifest better inspirations, abilities and solutions to create and maintain a vital life through necessary or desired life style change. A better resiliency, adaptability and connection with our creative part, as well as better utilization of our interior resources, creates better responses to life’s demands.

Overcoming challenges from a life full of experiences, when dealt with successfully, brings a positive evolution in consciousness, growth and changes that bring progress. 

Finding the right answers to disease, and optimizing health and wellness, is absolutely necessary and desirable. Being able to achieve this, working on ourselves and manifesting a positive inner unfoldment, allows to create more consecutive relationships with ourselves and others. We then organically experience joy, vitality and an inspired life, that we will then be able to share with the people around us at home, school, work or during recreational activities.