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Hort Method™ Module 5
Diet, DNA and Detoxification
We are All Multi Layer Patients​ 

Recognise – Integrate – Explain – Address – Train  – Inspire

The Physical with the Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Bionomic Aspect of a Person’s Health or Dis-ease

Listen to these audio recordings (audio 1 and 2 next visit month later) of a clinical case of an 18 year old young adult with acute inflamed facial acne with a challenged DNA enzyme activation, an important B vitamin deficiency and a down regulated detox pathways in the liver and in the intestinal flora… 

  • Case 2 audio 1 18 M part 1 liver sulfonation detox pathway for acne part 1
  • Case 2 audio 2 18 M part 2 1 month follow up and intestinal flora for acne

Listen to this audio recording of a clinical case of a 57 yrs old female: detox, DNA, Diet and pain; HX, exam and treatment

  • 57 yrs female pain diet DNA detox HX exam and treatment

Learn in the comfort of your home or office 

In this seminar Dominique Hort, DC, CCN, Naturopath, will share his experience of 31+ years in clinical practice with the specific focus on the study of several different diets and their benefits and consequences and how to use nutrition to detoxify. Both aspects, diets and detoxification will be integrated in the Hort Method™ (HM™). 

He will teach you how having studied nutrition already in chiropractic school with some of the leaders in the field (Jeffrey Bland, Bernard Jensen and others), was one the best ideas in his career.  Becoming a Certified Clinical Nutritionist in 1998 and a Naturopath in 2002 allowed him to deepen his skills that he shares with his patients and teaching Nutrition to lay people in his home town and around Europe. He is a teacher of nutrition and sports chiropractic in the post graduate program for the Swiss Chiropractic Association, preparing the students to take their final clinical exam. He has since the very beginning fully integrated the knowledge of nutrition, diet, systemic nutrition and detoxification in his clinical practice.  

In this seminar you will learn:

  • What you need to know about the main diets that patients are following and how these relate to the chiropractic clinical presentation, signs and symptoms and pain or inflammation.  
  • How to recognise if the diets patients are following or asking information about are good for their specific biological individuality and what are the pros and cons to discuss, test, monitor and integrate in their lives.
  • Ketogenic diet, Intermittent fasting, Longevity diet, Vegetarian or Vegan diet, Paleo diet, and more. When to advise what, how to apply them, what to be careful about, how to monitor and motivate patients and how to answer the most frequent questions. How each of these diets relate to the chiropractic practice and the Multi Layer patient’s approach and holistic care.
  • Why do we need to detoxify? What is the process of detoxification? How does it work in the body? What are the S&S of an intoxicated body? How toxins relate to pain and inflammation? How the detoxification process relates to the chiropractic practice.
  • How do you help your patients to detoxify, when is it advised or necessary. How do you explain it to the patient? How do you test for a pathological detoxifier and what can you do to help the process? 
  • The different methods of detoxifications available from the general approach to some specific applications like detoxifying from heavy metal or environmental pollutants. 
  • How to identify in the DNA the functions or dysfunctions of the detoxification system.
  • How the environment (bionomical problems) affects the methylation process of detoxification. How the pollution in the environment may be one of the worst causes of dementia and what to do about it. 
  • How sleep patterns, the health of the environment, nutrition and Brain function affect detoxification in the body.
  • How detoxifying is also about the mind and emotions, like over acidity from thoughts and misplaced emotions and what to do about it. 
  • How to integrate diets and detoxification with all the other aspects of the Hort Method™.
  • How to use applied kinesiology to test the needs for detoxification, diets or  dysfunctions. 

Studying and correcting incorrect diets or intoxicated states in patients are among  most powerful ways to enhance the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments and the outcome in the multi layer patient. The ultimate goal is to stay true to the holistic philosophy of chiropractic, while finding out how to enhance your patients’ function, health and quality of life by learning how to integrate all aspects of a person’s life and embracing a psycho-social model of care. All done, by assessing unique biological individuality in your history taking, exam, assessment, education and care.

In the 12+ hours together we will explore the mind-set and skills required to learn or deepen your skills in Diets and Detoxification and your ability to become the holistic doctor needed in today’s society. Develop further your excellence in chiropractic mastery!

BONUS MATERIAL: Pre seminar videos on the materials to view ahead of time to better learn and integrate the concepts and clinical pearls of Diets and Detoxification. Here you will learn why they fit in the HM™ and how to integrate them into the first visit, exam and day to day office visits.

Plus: by signing up you have life long access to the material !

Plus: 13 hours Continuing Education Credits for Swiss Chiropractors

Seminar hours, CET, via Zoom in the comfort of your home / office

Saturday 8.30am - 12.30 pm / 2pm - 7pm

Sunday 8.15am- 13.00pm